Click1.4-RC3 has been released today. Below are the related links:
A lot of thought went into making Click as simple as possible and developers should be up and running within a day.
Since RC2 there have been a number of new features and important bug fixes.
1. Pages can now be stateful:
public class MyPage extends Page { public Form form = new Form("myForm"); public MyPage() { setStateful(true); // Page will be persisted between requests. form.add(new TextField("search-term"); form.add(new Submit("submit")); } ... }More documentation on stateful pages can be found here.
2. Added a PerformanceFilter to significantly improve the performance of Click applications. The filter is based on Yahoo's Exceptional Performance best practices for speeding up your web site. This filter combined with framework changes enable Click applications to get an Grade A rating with Yahoo's Firefox plugin: YSlow.
Also in this release:
- Added new AJAX AutoCompleteTextField which provides Google suggest style lookups.
- Added new Table CSS class styles: blue1, blue2, orange1, orange2
- Fixed Form.copyFrom() to align with special Map handling of Form.copyTo(). [278].
- Fixed Form submit check to handle multiple forms per page. [279].
- Fixed exception when using Form.onSecurtyCheck in a stateful form. This issue was raised by Joel Schmidt [267].
- Fixed PickList multiple selection bug. This issue was raised by Ricardo Lecheta [280].
- Fixed Context leak under heavy usage. [282].
- Fixed Page automapping bug. This issue was raised by Sep and Ricardo Lecheta [277, 294].
- Fixed Linux ResourceBundle classloading bug. This issue was raised by Victor [293].
- Fixed Tree encodeURL bug. This issue was identified by Thomas Bernhard [301].
- Fixed Table memory allocation bug for large paged rowLists. This issue was identified by Naoki Takezoe [305].
The Click team.